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 Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk

Aşağa gitmek 

Balık Mesaj Sayısı : 2468
Doğum tarihi : 06/03/96
Yaş : 1328
Nerden : Ölüm kokan yerden
Ruh Hali : Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Manyak10
Tuttuğu Takım : Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Tu192310
Başarı :
Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Left_bar_bleue100 / 100100 / 100Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Right_bar_bleue

Güçlülük :
Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Left_bar_bleue100 / 100100 / 100Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Right_bar_bleue

Aktiflik :
Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Left_bar_bleue100 / 100100 / 100Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Right_bar_bleue

Kötü İtibar :
Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Right_bar_bleue

İleti : Uçurtmalar özgür müdür? Uzun iplere bağlıyken.
Kayıt tarihi : 25/06/08

Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Empty
MesajKonu: Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk   Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk Icon_minitimeÇarş. 2 Tem. - 15:16:09

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Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk
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